Checkstyle Results

The following document contains the results of Checkstylerss feed


Files Infos Infos Warnings Warnings Errors Errors
24 0 727 0


Rules Violations Severity
FileContentsHolder 0 Warnings Warning
ConstantName 0 Warnings Warning
DoubleCheckedLocking 0 Warnings Warning
  • option: "text"
1 Warnings Warning
EqualsHashCode 0 Warnings Warning
HiddenField 31 Warnings Warning
IllegalImport 0 Errors Error
IllegalInstantiation 0 Errors Error
  • caseIndent: "0"
441 Warnings Warning
InnerAssignment 0 Warnings Warning
  • scope: "protected"
4 Warnings Warning
  • allowUndeclaredRTE: "true"
  • logLoadErrors: "true"
  • scope: "protected"
  • allowMissingJavadoc: "true"
  • suppressLoadErrors: "true"
19 Warnings Warning
  • scope: "protected"
6 Warnings Warning
  • ignorePattern: "^( *\* @see |import |/[/*] \$Id:)"
167 Warnings Warning
LocalFinalVariableName 0 Warnings Warning
LocalVariableName 2 Warnings Warning
  • format: "^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$|^LOG$"
0 Warnings Warning
MethodLength 0 Warnings Warning
MethodName 1 Warnings Warning
NeedBraces 0 Warnings Warning
ModifierOrder 0 Warnings Warning
NoWhitespaceAfter 7 Warnings Warning
NoWhitespaceBefore 0 Warnings Warning
  • tokens: "DOT"
  • allowLineBreaks: "true"
0 Warnings Warning
OperatorWrap 0 Warnings Warning
PackageName 0 Warnings Warning
ParameterName 0 Warnings Warning
ParameterNumber 0 Warnings Warning
RedundantImport 5 Warnings Warning
SimplifyBooleanExpression 0 Warnings Warning
SimplifyBooleanReturn 0 Warnings Warning
StaticVariableName 0 Warnings Warning
TypeName 0 Warnings Warning
UnusedImports 3 Warnings Warning
UpperEll 0 Warnings Warning
  • publicMemberPattern: "^$"
0 Warnings Warning
WhitespaceAfter 17 Warnings Warning
30 Warnings Warning
Translation 0 Warnings Warning
FileLength 0 Warnings Warning
SuppressionCommentFilter 0 Warnings Warning



Violation Message Line
Warnings 'table' hides a field. 80
Warnings 'name' hides a field. 80
Warnings 'datatype' hides a field. 94
Warnings Expected @param tag for 'datatype'. 94
Warnings 'name' hides a field. 94
Warnings Expected @param tag for 'name'. 94
Warnings 'nullable' hides a field. 94
Warnings Expected @param tag for 'nullable'. 94
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 105
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 106
Warnings Expected an @return tag. 112
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 112
Warnings method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 112
Warnings Expected @param tag for 'table'. 112
Warnings Expected @param tag for 'columnName'. 113
Warnings 'if' is not followed by whitespace. 115
Warnings if child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 12 116
Warnings 'datatype' hides a field. 167
Warnings Expected @param tag for 'datatype'. 167
Warnings 'defaultValue' hides a field. 176
Warnings Expected @param tag for 'defaultValue'. 176
Warnings 'name' hides a field. 185
Warnings Expected @param tag for 'name'. 185
Warnings 'nullable' hides a field. 194
Warnings Expected @param tag for 'nullable'. 194
Warnings 'autoinc' hides a field. 204
Warnings Expected @param tag for 'autoinc'. 204
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 209
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 210
Warnings 'length' hides a field. 212
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 213
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 214
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 217
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 218
Warnings 'nbDecimal' hides a field. 220
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 221
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 222
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 225
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 226
Warnings 'table' hides a field. 228
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 229
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 230
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 233
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 234
Warnings 'comment' hides a field. 236
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 237
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 238


Violation Message Line
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 83
Warnings member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 83
Warnings ',' is not followed by whitespace. 83
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 89
Warnings ',' is not followed by whitespace. 96
Warnings ',' is not followed by whitespace. 107
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 151
Warnings Expected @param tag for 'codeCreatorClass'. 162
Warnings try child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 173
Warnings try rcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 174
Warnings catch rcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 176
Warnings catch rcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 178
Warnings catch rcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 180
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 237
Warnings ',' is not followed by whitespace. 237
Warnings ',' is not followed by whitespace. 237
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 238
Warnings ',' is not followed by whitespace. 238
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 298
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 302


Violation Message Line
Warnings 'table' hides a field. 78
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 89
Warnings Expected @param tag for 'nameColDef'. 110
Warnings if at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 113
Warnings if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 114
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 147
Warnings if at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 149
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 150
Warnings if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 150
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 152
Warnings Expected an @return tag. 188
Warnings Expected @param tag for 'columnName'. 188
Warnings 'for' is not followed by whitespace. 191
Warnings if at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 192
Warnings if child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 193
Warnings if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 16 194
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 12 195
Warnings 'foreignKeyName' hides a field. 254
Warnings 'referencesTable' hides a field. 262
Warnings 'table' hides a field. 270
Warnings 'lower' hides a field. 278
Warnings 'referencesLower' hides a field. 286
Warnings 'referencesUpper' hides a field. 294
Warnings 'upper' hides a field. 302


Violation Message Line
Warnings method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 138
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 139
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 156
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 156
Warnings for at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 157
Warnings try at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 158
Warnings try child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 159
Warnings try child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 160
Warnings try rcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 163
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 164
Warnings catch child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 164
Warnings catch rcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 166
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 167
Warnings catch child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 167
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 168
Warnings catch rcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 169
Warnings for rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 170
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 172
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 344
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 380
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 478
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 479
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 480
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 481
Warnings if child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 12 488
Warnings 'sqlCodeCreator' hides a field. 508


Violation Message Line
Warnings 'columnNames' hides a field. 63
Warnings 'descending' hides a field. 71
Warnings 'indexName' hides a field. 79
Warnings 'tableName' hides a field. 87


Violation Message Line
Warnings Redundant import from the same package - org.argouml.language.sql.ColumnDefinition. 6
Warnings Redundant import from the same package - org.argouml.language.sql.ForeignKeyDefinition. 7
Warnings Redundant import from the same package - org.argouml.language.sql.SqlCodeCreator. 8
Warnings Redundant import from the same package - org.argouml.language.sql.TableDefinition. 9
Warnings Redundant import from the same package - org.argouml.language.sql.Utils. 10


Violation Message Line
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 101
Warnings '{' is followed by whitespace. 134


Violation Message Line
Warnings 'name' hides a field. 101
Warnings 'name' hides a field. 116
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 121
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 122
Warnings 'comment' hides a field. 124
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 125
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 126
Warnings 'name' hides a field. 144
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 150
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 151
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 154
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 155


Violation Message Line
Warnings Unused import - org.argouml.model.Facade. 47
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 61
Warnings method def child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 201
Warnings '{' is followed by whitespace. 353
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 369


Violation Message Line
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 29
Warnings ctor def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 29
Warnings ctor def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 31
Warnings method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 33
Warnings method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 34
Warnings Name 'LA' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 34
Warnings if at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 35
Warnings if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 36
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 37
Warnings if at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 38
Warnings if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 39
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 40
Warnings if at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 42
Warnings if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 44
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 45
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 46
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 47


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 34
Warnings member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 35
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 35
Warnings member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 36
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 36
Warnings member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 39
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 39
Warnings member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 40
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 40
Warnings if at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 88
Warnings if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 90
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 91
Warnings if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 93
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 94
Warnings if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 95
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 96
Warnings if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 97
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 98
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 101
Warnings method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 117
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 119
Warnings if at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 120
Warnings if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 121
Warnings '=' is not followed by whitespace. 121
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 122
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 123
Warnings else child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 124
Warnings '=' is not followed by whitespace. 124
Warnings else rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 125
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 127
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 130
Warnings Expected an @return tag. 139
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 139
Warnings method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 139
Warnings Expected @param tag for 'mClassifier'. 139
Warnings Expected @param tag for 'mClassifierEnd'. 139
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 141
Warnings for child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 143
Warnings for child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 144
Warnings if at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 145
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 146
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 147
Warnings if child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 148
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 149
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 152
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 164
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 179
Warnings method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 181
Warnings Expected @param tag for 'table'. 181
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 182
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 183
Warnings method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 185
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 186
Warnings if at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 187
Warnings if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 188
Warnings if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 189
Warnings if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 190
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 191
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 192
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 193
Warnings method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 196
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 197
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 198
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 219
Warnings if at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 220
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 221
Warnings if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 221
Warnings if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 222
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 223
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 224
Warnings '}' is not followed by whitespace. 247
Warnings method def child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 295
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 302
Warnings array initialization child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 16 306
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 372
Warnings method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 391
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 392
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 393
Warnings method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 395
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 398
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 398
Warnings if at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 400
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 401
Warnings if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 401
Warnings if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 403
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 404
Warnings if at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 405
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 406
Warnings if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 406
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 407
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 408
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 409
Warnings method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 412
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 413
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 414


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 26
Warnings '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 26
Warnings member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 28
Warnings ctor def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 30
Warnings ctor def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 31
Warnings ctor def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 32
Warnings method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 35
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 36
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 38
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 38
Warnings Name 'foreign_keys' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 38
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 40
Warnings for at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 40
Warnings 'for' is not followed by whitespace. 40
Warnings for child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 42
Warnings if at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 47
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 48
Warnings if child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 48
Warnings if child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 49
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 50
Warnings for at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 50
Warnings 'for' is not followed by whitespace. 50
Warnings for child at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 51
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 52
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 54
Warnings for child at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 54
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 57
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 59
Warnings for at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 59
Warnings '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 59
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 60
Warnings if at indentation level 48 not at correct indentation, 24 60
Warnings 'if' is not followed by whitespace. 60
Warnings '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 60
Warnings if child at indentation level 56 not at correct indentation, 28 61
Warnings if child at indentation level 56 not at correct indentation, 28 62
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 48 not at correct indentation, 24 63
Warnings for rcurly at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 64
Warnings if at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 66
Warnings 'if' is not followed by whitespace. 66
Warnings '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. 66
Warnings '!=' is not followed by whitespace. 66
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 68
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 69
Warnings if child at indentation level 48 not at correct indentation, 24 69
Warnings if child at indentation level 48 not at correct indentation, 24 70
Warnings if at indentation level 48 not at correct indentation, 24 71
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 72
Warnings if child at indentation level 56 not at correct indentation, 28 72
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 48 not at correct indentation, 24 73
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 75
Warnings if child at indentation level 48 not at correct indentation, 24 75
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 76
Warnings if child at indentation level 48 not at correct indentation, 24 76
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 77
Warnings if at indentation level 48 not at correct indentation, 24 77
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 78
Warnings if child at indentation level 56 not at correct indentation, 28 78
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 48 not at correct indentation, 24 79
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 80
Warnings if child at indentation level 48 not at correct indentation, 24 80
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 83
Warnings if at indentation level 48 not at correct indentation, 24 83
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 84
Warnings if child at indentation level 56 not at correct indentation, 28 84
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 85
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 86
Warnings if child at indentation level 56 not at correct indentation, 28 86
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 87
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 48 not at correct indentation, 24 88
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 91
Warnings for rcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 16 92
Warnings if child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 93
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 94
Warnings for rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 96
Warnings for at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 98
Warnings 'for' is not followed by whitespace. 98
Warnings for child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 99
Warnings for child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 101
Warnings for child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 102
Warnings if at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 104
Warnings if child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 105
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 107
Warnings if child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 107
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 108
Warnings if child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 108
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 110
Warnings if at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 110
Warnings '>' is not preceded with whitespace. 110
Warnings '>' is not followed by whitespace. 110
Warnings '>' is not preceded with whitespace. 110
Warnings '>' is not followed by whitespace. 110
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 112
Warnings if at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 112
Warnings '>' is not preceded with whitespace. 112
Warnings '>' is not followed by whitespace. 112
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 113
Warnings if child at indentation level 48 not at correct indentation, 24 113
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 114
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 115
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 117
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 119
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 120
Warnings for at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 120
Warnings if at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 121
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 122
Warnings if child at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 123
Warnings if child at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 124
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 125
Warnings for rcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 126
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 130
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 131
Warnings for child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 131
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 132
Warnings for child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 132
Warnings for child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 134
Warnings if at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 136
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 137
Warnings if child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 137
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 138
Warnings if child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 138
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 140
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 141
Warnings if child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 141
Warnings if child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 143
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 146
Warnings if child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 146
Warnings if at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 149
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 150
Warnings if child at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 150
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 151
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 153
Warnings if child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 153
Warnings if at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 154
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 156
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 157
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 158
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 159
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 160
Warnings if child at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 160
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 161
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 162
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 165
Warnings for rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 169
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 171


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 17
Warnings method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 19


Violation Message Line
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 26
Warnings member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 28
Warnings ctor def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 30
Warnings ctor def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 31
Warnings ctor def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 32
Warnings method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 35
Warnings method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 36
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 37
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 39
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 39
Warnings Name 'foreign_keys' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 39
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 41
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 45
Warnings for at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 45
Warnings 'for' is not followed by whitespace. 45
Warnings for child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 47
Warnings if at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 50
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 51
Warnings if child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 51
Warnings if child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 52
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 53
Warnings if child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 53
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 55
Warnings for at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 55
Warnings 'for' is not followed by whitespace. 55
Warnings for child at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 56
Warnings for child at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 57
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 60
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 62
Warnings for child at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 63
Warnings if at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 64
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 65
Warnings if child at indentation level 48 not at correct indentation, 24 65
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 66
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 69
Warnings for child at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 69
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 70
Warnings for child at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 70
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 71
Warnings if at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 71
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 72
Warnings if child at indentation level 48 not at correct indentation, 24 72
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 73
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 75
Warnings for child at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 75
Warnings if at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 78
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 79
Warnings if child at indentation level 48 not at correct indentation, 24 79
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 80
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 81
Warnings if child at indentation level 48 not at correct indentation, 24 81
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 82
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 83
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 85
Warnings if at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 85
Warnings 'if' is not followed by whitespace. 85
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 86
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 87
Warnings if child at indentation level 48 not at correct indentation, 24 87
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 88
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 91
Warnings for at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 91
Warnings '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 91
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 92
Warnings if at indentation level 48 not at correct indentation, 24 92
Warnings 'if' is not followed by whitespace. 92
Warnings '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 92
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 93
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 94
Warnings if child at indentation level 56 not at correct indentation, 28 94
Warnings if child at indentation level 56 not at correct indentation, 28 95
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 48 not at correct indentation, 24 96
Warnings for rcurly at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 97
Warnings for rcurly at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 99
Warnings if child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 100
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 101
Warnings for rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 103
Warnings for at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 105
Warnings 'for' is not followed by whitespace. 105
Warnings for child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 106
Warnings for child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 109
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 111
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 112
Warnings for child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 112
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 113
Warnings for child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 113
Warnings for child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 115
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 117
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 118
Warnings for at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 118
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 119
Warnings if at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 119
Warnings if child at indentation level 36 not at correct indentation, 20 120
Warnings if child at indentation level 36 not at correct indentation, 20 121
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 122
Warnings for rcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 123
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 125
Warnings for child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 125
Warnings for child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 127
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 130
Warnings for child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 130
Warnings if at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 133
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 134
Warnings if child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 134
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 135
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 137
Warnings for child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 137
Warnings if at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 138
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 140
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 141
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 142
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 143
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 144
Warnings if child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 144
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 145
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 151
Warnings for child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 151
Warnings for rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 154
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 155


Violation Message Line
Warnings method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 72
Warnings method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 73
Warnings method def throws at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 8 75
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 77
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 79
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 80
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 81
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 83
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 84
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 84
Warnings try at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 87
Warnings try child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 88
Warnings try child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 89
Warnings try rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 91
Warnings Empty finally block. 91
Warnings finally rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 93
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 94
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 95
Warnings method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 98
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 146
Warnings method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 146
Warnings try child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 162
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 163
Warnings try child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 164
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 167
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 168
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 170
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 171
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 175
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 176
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 178
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 180
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 185
Warnings try child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 185
Warnings try child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 186
Warnings 'catch' is not followed by whitespace. 189
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 190
Warnings 'catch' is not followed by whitespace. 195
Warnings finally child at indentation level 17 not at correct indentation, 16 200
Warnings finally child at indentation level 17 not at correct indentation, 16 201
Warnings method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 209
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 210
Warnings try at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 211
Warnings try child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 212
Warnings try child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 213
Warnings try rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 214
Warnings catch rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 216
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 217
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 218
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 270
Warnings '{' is followed by whitespace. 270
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 271


Violation Message Line
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 32
Warnings member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 32
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 35
Warnings member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 35
Warnings member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 38
Warnings member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 40
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 40
Warnings member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 42
Warnings Missing a Javadoc comment. 42
Warnings ctor def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 73
Warnings ctor def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 75
Warnings method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 77
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 78
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 78
Warnings ',' is not followed by whitespace. 78
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 79
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 80
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 82
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 83
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 84
Warnings method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 84
Warnings ',' is not followed by whitespace. 84
Warnings ',' is not followed by whitespace. 84
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 85
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 85
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 86
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 87
Warnings if at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 100
Warnings if child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 12 101
Warnings if child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 12 104
Warnings if child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 12 105
Warnings method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 111
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 112
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 112
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 114
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 114
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 115
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 115
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 116
Warnings if at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 117
Warnings if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 118
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 119
Warnings else child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 120
Warnings else rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 121
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 123
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 123
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 124
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 124
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 125
Warnings method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 127
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 128
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 130
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 130
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 131
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 131
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 133
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 133
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 135
Warnings if at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 136
Warnings if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 137
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 138
Warnings else child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 139
Warnings else rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 140
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 142
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 144
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 145
Warnings method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 147
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 148
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 149
Warnings method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 151
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 152
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 152
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 153
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 155
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 156
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 156
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 157
Warnings method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 159
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 160
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 161
Warnings method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 163
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 164
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 165
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 166
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 168
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 169
Warnings method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 171
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 172
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 174
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 174
Warnings if at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 175
Warnings if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 176
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 177
Warnings if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 178
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 179
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 181
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 182
Warnings method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 184
Warnings ',' is not followed by whitespace. 184
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 185
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 185
Warnings method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 186
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 187
Warnings if at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 192
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 193
Warnings if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 193
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 194
Warnings if at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 196
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 197
Warnings if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 197
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 198


Violation Message Line
Warnings Unused import - javax.swing.JTextArea. 6
Warnings Unused import - javax.swing.JTextField. 7
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 259


Violation Message Line
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 73
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 89
Warnings if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 89
Warnings if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 90
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 91
Warnings '{' is followed by whitespace. 107
Warnings '{' is followed by whitespace. 108
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 126
Warnings method def modifier at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 28 126
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 127
Warnings if at indentation level 48 not at correct indentation, 32 127
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 128
Warnings if child at indentation level 56 not at correct indentation, 36 128
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 48 not at correct indentation, 32 129
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 130
Warnings else child at indentation level 56 not at correct indentation, 36 130
Warnings else rcurly at indentation level 48 not at correct indentation, 32 131
Warnings method def rcurly at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 28 132
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 142
Warnings if child at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 142
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 143
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 144
Warnings if child at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 144
Warnings if child at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 145
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 146


Violation Message Line
Warnings method call child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 20 152
Warnings '{' is followed by whitespace. 192
Warnings '{' is followed by whitespace. 193


Violation Message Line
Warnings Line is longer than 80 characters. 53
Warnings if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 76
Warnings if at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 78
Warnings if child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 79
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 80
Warnings if child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 81
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 82
Warnings if child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 83
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 84
Warnings if rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 85