/* $Id$
* Copyright (c) 2013 Contributors - see below
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* Laurent BRAUD
package org.argouml.language.sql.reveng;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.argouml.configuration.Configuration;
import org.argouml.configuration.ConfigurationKey;
import org.argouml.i18n.Translator;
import org.argouml.uml.reveng.Setting;
import org.argouml.uml.reveng.SettingsTypes;
* @author BRAUD
public class SqlImportSettings {
private static final ConfigurationKey KEY_IMPORT_EXTENDED_SGBD_NAME = Configuration
.makeKey("import", "extended", "sql", "sgbd", "name");
private static final ConfigurationKey KEY_IMPORT_EXTENDED_MODELE_LEVEL = Configuration
.makeKey("import", "extended", "sql", "model", "level");
private static final String DEFAULT_SGBD = "MySql";
public static final String LEVEL_MCD = "MCD";
public static final String LEVEL_MPD = "MPD";
private static SqlImportSettings theInstance;
private List<SettingsTypes.Setting> settingsList;
* SGBD Source of the dump
private SettingsTypes.UniqueSelection sgbdSetting;
* Level (Conception, Physique)
private SettingsTypes.UniqueSelection levelSetting;
* Gets the singleton instance.
* @return the instance
public static synchronized SqlImportSettings getInstance() {
if (theInstance == null) {
theInstance = new SqlImportSettings();
return theInstance;
* Constructor
* private for Singleton
private SqlImportSettings() {
private Map<String, String> createListSupportedDump() {
Map<String,String> listSupportedDump = new HashMap<String, String>();
addLabelFromParserName(listSupportedDump, DEFAULT_SGBD);
addLabelFromParserName(listSupportedDump, "SqlServer");
return listSupportedDump;
private void addLabelFromParserName(Map<String,String> lst,String parserName) {
String label = Translator.localize("argouml-sql.import.database." + parserName);
lst.put(parserName, label);
* Provides the implementation of
* org.argouml.uml.reveng.ImportInterface#getImportSettings() for
* implementors of ImportInterface.
* @return the list of import settings
public List<SettingsTypes.Setting> getImportSettings() {
// TODO : is it ok with that.
// if yes, see javaImport code and change it
if (settingsList == null) {
settingsList = new ArrayList<SettingsTypes.Setting>();
return settingsList;
private void createSgbdSetting() {
Map<String, String> listSupportedDump = createListSupportedDump();
List<String> lstCle = new ArrayList<String>(listSupportedDump.keySet());
List<String> lstVal = new ArrayList<String>(listSupportedDump.values());
String val = Configuration.getString(KEY_IMPORT_EXTENDED_SGBD_NAME);
int indexSelectedSgbd;
if (val.length() == 0) {
indexSelectedSgbd = lstCle.indexOf(DEFAULT_SGBD);
} else {
indexSelectedSgbd = new Integer(val);
String label = Translator.localize("argouml-sql.import.listdatabase");
sgbdSetting = new Setting.UniqueSelection(label, lstVal, indexSelectedSgbd);
public String getCodeSgbd() {
String ret = null;
Map<String, String> listSupportedDump = createListSupportedDump();
List<String> lstCle = new ArrayList<String>(listSupportedDump.keySet());
String val = Configuration.getString(KEY_IMPORT_EXTENDED_SGBD_NAME);
Integer indexSelectedSgbd;
if (val.length() == 0) {
indexSelectedSgbd = lstCle.indexOf(DEFAULT_SGBD);
} else {
indexSelectedSgbd = new Integer(val);
ret = lstCle.get(indexSelectedSgbd);
return ret;
public SettingsTypes.UniqueSelection getSgbdSetting() {
return sgbdSetting;
private void createLevelSetting() {
String val = Configuration.getString(KEY_IMPORT_EXTENDED_MODELE_LEVEL, "0");
int indexSelectedLevel = new Integer(val);
String label = Translator.localize("argouml-sql.import.level");
levelSetting = new Setting.UniqueSelection(label, getLstLevel(), indexSelectedLevel);
public SettingsTypes.UniqueSelection getLevelSetting() {
return levelSetting;
private List<String> getLstLevel() {
List<String> listLevel = new ArrayList<String>();
addLabelFromModele(listLevel, LEVEL_MPD);
addLabelFromModele(listLevel, LEVEL_MCD);
return listLevel;
public String getCodeLevel() {
String ret = LEVEL_MPD;
String val = Configuration.getString(KEY_IMPORT_EXTENDED_MODELE_LEVEL, "0");
if (val.equals("0")) {
ret = LEVEL_MPD;
} else if (val.equals("1")) {
ret = LEVEL_MCD;
return ret;
private void addLabelFromModele(List<String> lst,String parserName) {
String label = Translator.localize("argouml-sql.import.level." + parserName);
* Saves the settings in the configuration.
public void saveSettings() {
if (sgbdSetting != null) {
Configuration.setString(KEY_IMPORT_EXTENDED_SGBD_NAME, String.valueOf(sgbdSetting.getSelection()));
if (levelSetting != null) {
Configuration.setString(KEY_IMPORT_EXTENDED_MODELE_LEVEL, String.valueOf(levelSetting.getSelection()));