Web pages for the ArgoUML project.

This used to be located at
ArgoUML Documentation


Welcome to the ArgoUML documentation project.

If you want to view the latest existing argouml documenation please use the 'nightly build' links on the left hand pane.

Project Goals

  • Maintain up-to-date and relevant user documentation.
  • Translate the documentation into as many languages as possible.
  • Provide learning materials in the best possible format for users of ArgoUML

Principally, the user documentation consists of:

  • A User Manual, describing how to use ArgoUML and it's features.
  • A Quick Guide, describing how to get up and running with the basics.

To reduce the workload of maintaining the documentation build process seperately for each language and to improve the consistency between translations we have a common source document where the languages exists side by side. For each section, paragraph etc. the languages are sorted in the order: English, and then the languages in alphabetic order of their iso-639-1 two-letter code: German (de), Spanish (es), Swedish (sv), and Chinese (zh).

Images that are for the English translation is located in a tree in the images subdirectory (in the quickguide and manual directories respectively). When language-specific images are added, make a subdirectory for each language and mimic the tree there. So:

manual/images/de/reference/aktivitatsdiagramm.gif (of activity_diagram.gif)