When retrieving source from any of the argouml repositories you have to give a correct combination of username and password. You have two options.
- Username: guest
Password: <empty>
This gives you read access to the repositories.
- Username: your tigris account
- Password: the password of your tigris account
This gives you read access to the repositories and if you have the appropriate role in the project in question (or its parent project) you can also do commits.
See also http://argouml.tigris.org/source/browse/argouml/.
The Subversion client often, depending on configuration, stores the username and password on your local hard drive (in your home directory). If that is the case you don't need to give username and password more than once per project. Notice that the argouml project, and especially the modules, are split over several projects that are separate to subversion even though they are all Tigris projects and can be accessed using the same username and password.