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Terminology in the ArgoUML project

This is the Terminology for the ArgoUML project and also for the ArgoUML product. The purpose is to establish a common use of some words to make it easier to understand what we are talking about.

The terminology here is used for:

  • All code (class names, variable names, method names)
  • All comments throughout the code
  • All strings in the user interface (in the default language en_US)
  • All documents (in the default language en_US)
  • All postings to the mailing lists and all other discussions within the ArgoUML project.


Add existing object to something.
Code Generation / Reverse Engineering
Code Generation and Reverse Engineering are the processes of converting between the ArgoUML UML model and program code in a certain programming language. ArgoUML supports different languages such as Java, C++ and PHP for Code Generation and Reverse Engineering, but both are not supported for all languages equally.
A critic is a part of ArgoUML that runs as a separate asynchronous process to check the quality of the model. Once a flaw has been found, it creates a so called critique.
A todo item created by a critic. The critic creates a critique to communicate the details of the dicovered model flaw to the user, e.g. it explains the reason why this is a bad design. The critique also allows the user to start a wizard to automate fixing the problem. There are also todo items that are created by the user - these are not called critique.
Usually used as "Delete from Model". The object will be destructed, and will not be present any more on any diagram, nor in the model. Additionally, all objects that can not exist without the deleted object are deleted from the model, too. E.g. deleting a class also deletes all its associations.
A piece of software that is developed by someone outside of the ArgoUML project and that the ArgoUML project is not responsible for.
  • The ArgoUML product, like almost any other software project, use dependencies so that we don't have to do everything ourselves. Examples: JDK, NSUML, GEF, log4j, ...
  • Dependencies were previously called subproducts.
Export everything or some part from an existing structure to some format. This implies some kind of conversion involved.
Import some other format into an existing structure. This implies that there is some kind of conversion involved and that the already existing things are not removed. They are either changed or left unchanged by the import. An Export, New, Import cycle can lead to information loss because of the two conversions involved.
A part of a dependency that is installed and handled as a unit in the ArgoUML building and installation set-up.
A piece of software that is to be loaded into ArgoUML by the Module Loader.
  • Modules traditionally use the Plug-in interfaces and are for that reason also known as Plug-ins.
Create a new project or object. How does this relate to the Java GUI standards? (Don't use Create or Add)
Notation is the textual representation of model fragments on a diagram. ArgoUML supports Notation in different languages such as UML and Java. Notation may be not only pure text: e.g. UML attributes/operations have graphical text properties (underlining, italics) with a semantic relevance. To be shown on a diagram, the text has to be created by a generator, and when the user edits the text on the diagram, a parser processes the text, and adapts the model accordingly.
Open an existing project or saved file. How does this relate to the Java GUI standards? (Don't use Load, Read, or Import for this).
Usually used as "Remove from Diagram". The object that will be removed is not deleted from the model, i.e. it still exists, but is simply not present any more on the current diagram. It might still be present on other diagrams, or not, but it is surely present in the explorer. Additionally, all objects that cannot be drawn without the removed object, are removed from the diagram, too. E.g. removing a class also removes all its associations. Once removed, an object can be "added" to a diagram (again).
Save the existing project to a file. The Save operation saves everything (it is a no-loss operation). A Save, Open cycle does not loose any information. (Don't use Export, or Write for this).
Todo item
A "to do" item presents feedback to the designer about activities to be performed on the model. This feedback can be automatically generated (by the critics), or by the designer himself. The use of a "to do" list fits in ArgoUML's use of cognitive features - see the Robbins Dissertation on ArgoUML for more details.


Terminology (last edited 2009-01-06 01:46:29 -0700 by linus)