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Wiki: XSD

The purpose of this ArgoUML sub-project is to allow for automated code generation (a.k.a. export) from the UML class diagram to the XML Schema Definition (XSD) language.


The project is currently in the design phase. Please browse and comment on the design linked from this page.

Project Assumptions

The following is a list of the assumptions and requirements that are being made as a part of this development effort:

  • The ArgoUML profile capabilities should be leveraged to achieve code generation consistency.
    • A specific XSD profile will be leveraged to encapsulate and distribute common aspects of XML Schema files.
    • Use of ArgoUML stereotypes is ideal to reduce ambiguity, but should not be required in order to generate
  • Long-time users should be able to use the new XSD code generation capabilities with legacy .zargo files.
  • When ambiguity exists in a class diagram, defaults and options should be used during code generation rather than providing users a list of errors to address.


For ease of review and editing, the design of the XSD Code Generation has been dividied into the following sections:

Outstanding Issues

  • Should ArgoUML enumeration types initially limited to xsd:string? Please provide feedback on the XSD/Primitive Data Types page.

  • Should complex data type restrictions be implemented initially? Please provide feedback on the XSD/Stereotypes page.


XSD (last edited 2008-12-30 22:15:50 -0700 by mathco)